some of the best speaker cables under $250

I have owned many many cables over the years but with my current setup I am focusing on a different approach as far as cables are concerned. Impressed with a recently purchased pair of Morrow Audio MA2 RCA cables I feel that there are some great bang for the buck cables available and rather than start with what I've owned and liked in the past I want to try some of the strong contenders in the 'budget' range. Above all else I want musical not dry. I want to hear as much as possible into the music without it becoming clinical. Nothing new, I know.
I'm leaning toward Morrow cables but there seem to be so many cable makers out there I'm interested in what might not be on my radar.
I've owned Signal, Mapleshade, Crimson, LFD, Harmonic Tech, WLM DIY(in use) to name a few. My short list so far: Cullen, thegreencable, Morrow.
My current system consists of an LFD integrated, Tekton LORE Reference loudspeakers, Musical Paradise DAC/OPPO transport.
I had some fulton brown that was very nice; if you see some it should be fairly inexpensive and worth a try.
8' lengths of Supra 3.4 cables can be had for around $100 with bare ends. I had them terminated with Supra bananas and they've bettered all cables I have on hand with my present set up.

Deeper and tighter bass, a much clearer and cleaner presentation, airy highs with no etch or glare, and a wonderful midrange with all the tone, timbre and separation I could ask for.

All the best,
Syntax's and Strateahed's posts kinda sum it up .......


This a loop formed by (a) and (b) below

(a) looking for immediate audio performance improvement by investing in more expensive cables without reference to the resolution capabilities and limitations of the system itself first, is a losing proposition; ( as you move up the gear price and matched quality stratas with their improved resolution capabilities . choice of cables becomes exponentially important) and

(b) as Strateahed graphically highlights , at that budget price-point, it is generally just a "pick one of 'em" exercise from a sea of contenders or pretenders without much - if any - distinguishing performance improvement qualities.
Using vintage Western Electric tinned, stranded copper here and they sound great. Buy the wire from ebay in 16, 14, 12 or 10 all sounds similar and very good. All gauges are made from the same 30 awg strands, and the same thermoplastic covered by cotton casing. I am running biwired 10 awg wires directly from the boards (e.g., no binding posts at the amps) of my Acoustic Imagery Atsahs. The tinned copper has similarities with the Supra 3.4 cables that Nonoise likes. Another good way to use them is to twist quads and use a star-quad connection. Double that up for bi-wire. Don't laugh until you have heard the cable. I have tried a lot of stuff and these are the real deal.
(a) agreed

(b) not so much as there are manifest differences in all of my cables at, below and above the stated price range

(c) cables: Zu Misssion, Mapleshade standard and Double Helix, Clear Day, Tempo Electric, Music Metre, and a couple more I can't remember right now. The Supras simply wiped the floor with them.

All the best,