What to do: upgrade amp or buy pre-amp

Im very curious what my spkrs will sound like if i changed to an Audio Research Ref 210 monoblock setup OR buy the Ref 5 preamp? Currently running media PC via transparent digital Spdif to wyred for sound DAC to Levinson 331 amp to Dynaudio C4 with REL G2 for low freq. So what would you guys upgrade? Ill most lukely pickup whichever piece i don't buy in the next 6 to 12 months but don't want to splurge all at once.

Chenglo1 your WFS Dac has volume controllability, and is a perfect impedance match direct into your Levinson amp, and because the Rel is 150kohms input impedance this also can be driven via a Y connector from the WFS dac.

This setup should get you the most transparent sound possible, if you need to change the sound a bit just try different interconnects or speaker cable to achieve this.

Cheers George

It is possible to buy all top rated gear and not get the emotional connection. What I have found over the years is the lower power quality Triode Amplifiers do this well!

The REF210 is based upon a push-pull, fully balanced vacuum-tube circuit running in partial cathode coupling mode, utilizing three matched pairs of 6550C output tubes. The REF210 uses two 6550C driver tubes, each controlling three output tubes operating in unison. The input stage uses direct-coupled JFETs, followed by a 6N1P vacuum-tube amplifying stage.

The REF210 is well built and great sounding - but in all that circuitry the signal is affected. Most people do not get a chance to compare due to the direction of the dealer - which basically means you either carry this type or that type. Once in the store - most people by habit just look for what sounds best in that store.

Anyway, long story short - try a SET Amplifier with the right Loudspeakers. And yes, you will need a great Preamplifier. Here is a great store for SET Amplification and a great website to sip tea and read to learn.

http://dejavuaudio.com/ >> Store

http://www.high-endaudio.com/RC-Frankenstein.html#Four >> Read and Learn
I agree with Lost Bears.
The Ref 5se is significantly better than the Ref 5. Also, I had a pair of Ref 210s in my system and now have a Ref 150 with KT 150s. I prefer the Ref 150. I thought the Ref 210s were a little too light and airy for my taste. Not so with the Ref 150 or, if you can wait, Ref 150se. I think you will be disappointed going from the Levinson to Ref 210s. That would be the last thing I would do if I were you.
I admit my levinson sounds wonderful as i upgraded the big caps to all nichicon (sp). However its only rated at 100 watts rms and the Dynes are rated at 400 watts. I felt guilty not providing them with more power from a more modern amp. Would i get a noticeable difference and or warmer sound with the ref5se? Would you guys still recommend using wyred DAC to connect to ref5se? Im thinking it makes more sense to upgrade 1 component at a time so it's easier to hear the difference. Any thoughts appreciated.
Correction: the large and small caps were all changed to Cornell Dubilier about 200 hrs ago on my Levinson 331. Not nichicon.