

It's time to move up in my system. I'd appreciate some amp recommendations, as I haven't heard too many amps, and have little knowledge of some of the nuances involved in making a decision. Field testing amps is also difficult where I live.

My system is Magnepan 3.7 speakers; (2) Vandersteen 2wq subwoofers; Mojo Audio Mac Mini feeding a PS Audio Directstream DAC, straight to amp. No preamp. (Transparent ICs, Shunyata Triton, Anaconda PCs, DH Labs and Silnote SCs.) The current amp is a very fast and very powerful Class-D switching amp with tons of headroom.

The system is noiseless, clean, precise, detailed, neutral. The soundstage is huge, holographic, and immersive. Live recordings are the bomb. Sometimes it seems a bit sharp or harsh, but that's often the recording or the room. Overall, soft and sensuous, it ain't, but I can hear every note and breath.

I've heard some denigrate a different switching amp -- "I can hear the switching." This from a tube guy. I'd prefer not to get into any Class-X wars.

A local dealer is suggesting I look at Bryston, a classic match for Maggies, I'm sure, but he also suggests that the Bryston can be somewhat two-dimensional. His solution is a Levinson 532H, which he holds as more three-dimensional than Bryston.

Or, he has a demo Acoustic Research Ref150. Somehow, I doubt I'd like to go with tubes, due to the sonics, the expense, and the 'hassle' of dealing with tubes.

All of the prices mentioned are more than I'd like to spend, but I've gotta deal with that part of it.

So, I'd love to hear recommendations.

And... how does one audition amps when they live in an area of so few B&M audio stores?


I've read and reread what you wrote. I agree that the room is the most important "component" in a system. My experience has taught me that the dimensions of the room and how difficult the speakers are to drive can create significant differences between amplifiers, if the amplifier isn't capable of driving the speakers. I say, "think of how big your room is, the sensitivity of your speakers, type of music you listen to, how loud you listen, your preferences, and your budget." I guess my 25 years of experience has given me a different perspective than you. I feel more than ever, "if you have the money" and those so called "subtle" differences mean something to you, than spend the money. Details and subtle differences are what usually cost more money no matter what the hobby is!
Ricred1. Subtleties in a better amp, are audible, but, cannot eliminate problems in a room. If anything, it would amplify them, no pun intended. There are many $2-3 K amplifiers that have the "beef" to drive the 3.7s, to realistic levels, without the panels being the weak link. I did say, go for broke, if you can, just acknowledging the importance of the room. Sorry if I was unclear. I also feel, a better front end (source), generally gets you more musical information. My comments were based on the use of the 3.7s, in particular, but, do carry over to all speakers. They do, however, dictate the room size, positioning, acoustics, and all else that you mention. More so than many speakers. Keep in mind, I own, and listen to, very efficient, and, dynamic speakers. Just enjoy ! Mr.D.
I'm very familiar with your speakers. I've owned Klipsch Heresy's, La Scala's, and Klipschorn's...the most dynamic speakers that I've ever owned. I agree, just enjoy!
Just another comment. Rhanson739, does make mention in his original post, that the room might be problematic, as are some of the recordings. Just saying........Enjoy all ! Mr.D
Mr.D, RHansen's amp appears to be prone to failures. The tendency to such behavior has been remarked elsewhere and elsewhen on Agon for the Kryptobrand in question. It is unlikely that such regretable disposition is influenced by room geometry or other acoustic properties of his listening space. Furthermore, the amp has a high damping factor commensurate with the requirements of Maggie 3.7.
