Vocalist Height system dependent?

A audiophile friend came over to listen after I had made some changes to my system. I was playing Eva Cassidy tall trees in Georgia. Right of the bat he noticed how high she was "near the ceiling".

He was right. my speakers are about 5.5 tall with the mid range driver is about 4.5ft up +-. It seems that the height of the soundstage is dependent on the source,cables,power quality. Do all speakers have this quality,does midrange height change in your system. After listening I'm starting to use this as a benchmark for my system and source.

After thinking about this I was just wondering what others experience and your thoughts.
My guess is that given the rack in front of your left speaker that you are disrupting the primary imaging.

This means the most coherent sound you get is from the reflection from both speakers from off the ceiling.

Another factor could be the crossover...when Eva belts out her sustained high notes it is possible that some is from the midrange and some from the tweeter - this can cause beaming or lobes in response with cancellation in some directions (if you sit below the tweeter) and coherence in other directions (such as the sound that hits the halfway point on the ceiling between you and the speakers).

Another possibility is that they used a plate in the studio to record her voice or they added a reverb that makes you think she is standing 10 feet tall. Refected sound off a lively floor (or plate or delayed microphonic feedback from tubes) causes comb filtering of the sound and rightly or wrongly your brain will use this information to judge height as well as the amount of space around a sound.

All or any of the above might be a factor - but you could try by eliminating any obstacles (like a large rack stand) that may affect the sound reaching you.

Good Luck. Frankly I doubt it has anything to do with cables.
Most likely an artifact of your room acoustics and your specific vertical speaker driver configuration within the room.

Different wires and even electronics might change the timbre and change the perspective accordingly as SPL levels of the different vertically aligned drivers changes accordingly as well.

All speakers share the quality that room acoustics will affect timbre/tonal balnace to some extent, but I suspect the highly noticeable change in perspective at various frequencies is more due to the specific physical vertical driver configuration in your specific speaks.