Coincident Eclipse vs Devore

Can anyone give comparisons of the Coincident Eclipse Line of speakers vs Devore super 8's or 9's.
I have Coincident PE II's, no Devore dealers in sight and I am curious.
almost forgot this:
Before deciding on the Pathos TT, I listened to the Leben cs600 With Devore nines and felt it was not up with either the Shindo combo or Pathos TT. The source was was 47 labs flatfish CD transport. Was glad to hear another intergrated to make a more pertinant comparison. I may not be the most balanced listener, so please take these comments with a grain or two of salt.
It is very possible that my review (Posted above) of the Shindo Massetto/Mantrachet is inaccurate. Although this is honestly how the Shindo gear sounded at the time as compared to the Pathos TT, overwhelming evidence in the form of reviews etc, would suggest that the Shindo gear was at some kind of disadvantage caused by some kind of external circumstance or circumstances when I heard it.

I look forward to comparing the Pathos TT and Shindo gear when both systems can be heard on equal footing.
The same applies to the LEBEN CS600. It was probably heard at a disadvantage as well.
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I heard the Devores w. Shindo gear on In Living Stereo as well. I left highly unimpressed. I preferred the Verity speakers but not by much. Not sure which amp but 90% of me remembers it being the Cortese. It was paired with a few different Shindo preamps during the demo. Yes the same Flatfish and some vinyl of some sort. For me nothing was controlled and I found the sound on the bright side. I have heard the Devorses in shows years ago sound wonderful but I don't remember the setup. I wouldn't judge Shindo or Devore speakers from this. Just the pairing that is all. Unfortunately some people push this as a good match, but I just don't get it. This would break my trust in a dealer.