what speakers

Looking a getting AR vs-115 amp- my room is 12ftwide 18ftlong
10ft tall. WHAT Speaker's maybe vr4jr - vandersteen - dynaudio need help. Or something else
If you have the budget, the Audiokinesis Dreammaker 2 will work fine with that amp and is more efficient and an easier load than the others you mentioned. It also plays well into the 20Hz region.

This is a question that only you can answer. More than any other component, speakers are a matter of personal taste. What type of music do you like, how loud or softly do you listen to your music, what do you like or dislike about certain speakers? Only you can answer these questions. Your speaker choice should be one of the first decisions that you make when starting a new system.

Having said that, good luck to you and I hope it all works out for you.
