
All, there is some info here on some of Daedalus' larger models. Anybody have the DA-RMa monitor? I'm wondering if anyone has experience and any feedback on these.
David: You review of DA-RMa mentions Ulysses, and I get the idea that the latter may be better but also much more expensive. However, Daedalus also offers others in the lineup, like 1.1, 2.1 . Did you look at those?

Is anybody here in a position to comment on 1.1 v 2.1 v RMa in terms of the value offered?
No-- unfortunately I have never heard the 1.1 or the 2.1 or for that matter, the Ulysses. Of course, I would love to-- and if they are any 'better' than the DA-RMa- well-- that would be amazing.
I will certainly try to hear the Ulysses in the future. Right now I am still single and moving around the country a bit for my job, so I just figured the DA-RMas would make easier traveling companions due to their size and would also fit into smaller listening rooms better.
But in the future when I am (hopefully) more settled-- I will definitely be auditioning the Ulysses (when I have the room). I feel those could very well be a 'last-speaker-ever' kind of speaker for me!!
I don't know of anyone who has much experience with all four models. I can try to succinctly and honestly comment on the differences and value of the different models if you'd like?
I know that people don't generally like to hear from the manufacturer unless requested, and I try to respect that.
I auditioned the DA-RMa and Ulysses at Lou's workshop. Obviously, this was a limited audition in an unfamilar system. For me, the increased refinement and authority were worth the difference in price and I bought the Ulysses.
Price is a consideration, but for me, size is more important. The Ulysses is'nt enormous by modern standards, it is still too big to get passed my eagle eyed wife. It is 4 inches taller, I believe than the DA 1.1. I would love to go for the Ulysses, it just is'nt going to happen, it would tend to overpower my room