Active Speakers: The usual suspects ....

I'm interested in purchasing 'active' loudspeakers for a planned surround system. Although the "usual suspects" such as Quad, JBL, Dynaudio, KRK, Genelec, ATC, and PMC are ALL good/great speakers, I am wondering if there are other active speakers to consider that I haven't listed?

I did listen to DigiDesign RM2 active speakers designed by PMC. I felt, like many of the reviewers have stated, that they were overpriced at $3500 pr (and out of my price range).

Again, I'm seeking a suggestion or two concerning active monitors that might not be as well known as those I've listed.

Any and all comments appreciated.

Thank You
Shadorne- could the MM27s be used 10" apart, sitting 12" back?

Sure....I think you could just turn them up anytime you needed to blow dry your hair...

Seriously I think NHT Moo or Soo and other much cheaper speakers would be more sensible for a PC workstation setup.

Oh - I am not sure - why not contact Thomas Barefoot and get his opinion - he is careful to say they are "near-fields on steroids" but I don't think he claims these are for far-field use (although I bet they go loud enough for most people).

If you have this much space then why not go for something bigger and less compact?