Considering a change. Avantgarde for Wilson.

Have owned Avantgarde Duos for two years. Bass to die for.
Bright up top. Maybe just a bit glarry. Been reading and
wondering if a change to Wilson Puppy's would be good.
Am I "BMW" owner looking at a "Mercedes"? Or, am I just
a spoiled brat? Hit me, Guys.
Bgordon, FWIW I agree with Undertow re changing out the tubes in the 128. Initially the EH's are impressive (big bass) but I found the tube lacking in bass resolution and the highs a bit too much. I ultimately chose EI6DJ8's, but realize that tube selection is as much a system synergy issue as anything else. I also liked Amperex Bugleboys as well. Anyway, do take the time to explore this - it really makes a big difference.
the glass is probably a bigger issue than your cdp, that's just my opinion.
As much as a better CDP or preamp or amp can improve things, they can't begin to compare to getting the speakers to "play the room" with the components you currently have.

Buying more or better components without first fully addressing the potential of a speaker's interface with the room is - if you'll allow one more opinion - a near total waste of money.

That goes for Wilsons, Avantgardes, Magneplanars, Quads, or really any speakers.

Just my two euros...
Hornguys, you make much sense. Home field resistence
is a big part of the problem. Reading and
boning up on just what acceptible changes can make the
diff is a good beginning. The search is on, though.