I am interested in upgrading my late 80's system?

I have been trying to find review on my Onyko Tx 822 and B and W DM 110 speakers, are either one worth keeping? They work for me, but would like to do a upgrade. Advise?
In order to give good information regarding upgrading your system, it would be helpful to know the size of the listening room and if you want bookshelf, floor standing or wall mounted speakers. What sort of room do you ha ve behind the speakers if they are floor located and what is the distance to your listening position? After all this is worked out, you can decide if you want box or planar speakers and then you can decide on the other components. If you want to make incremental changes I'd start with a modern digital source as the 1980's cd players tended to be harsh.
I would start with a nice little tube integrated amp...and a new source (if you need one?...you didn't mention vinyl or cd as your source).

You should be able to add these two new upgrades for around $1,000-$1,200 (used)...50-75watts are all you need.

(The speakers)...you can decide on an upgrade there (or not)...after you have a good long listen.

You may want to move to a pair of speakers with just a tad more bass than the little B&W's provide...or (if you like your speakers a lot) maybe just a small subwoofer add on?

Here is some great gear you should audition:

Tubes: Almarro
Passive Speakers: ATC 19s, B & W 805s

Active Speakers, ATC 16s and 20s
Try a primaluna prologue one integrated tube for $750 used here on audiogon. That will leave you $1200 or so for speakers/cables. I would upgrade the cables from the 80s as well. BTW, buying here will provide you with much less expensive equipment allowing you a jump up in quality for your budget. Also, if you do your homework and you choose quality you will be able to flip any equipment should it not meet your taste. However, you don't get good audition time in a store. MHO.

Hi, Again I appreciate the help. Several questions I wanted to answer: size of room 14w X 30 l X 8h. I mainly listen to cds and FM for NPR. I do not have a record player currently I did have an old AR years ago. I still have a large collecion of LP's so may go back to that as a source. My B&W speakers are on stands at the end of the room away from the electronics.
Again very good suggestions and now on to research where to locate items for listening. As stated before not much in the area.