Revel Salon 2 versus WP 8

Anyone done a comparison?
I would not mind but I am not trying to start a pissing match here. There are quite a few loudspeakers I would rather listen to then the W/P. I am also more than willing to accept that some may not like what I like.

You really need to hear them both yourself. I'm still waiting to hear a pair of the Salon2s around my area, but so far no one
in NY has any to demo... There aren't many places holding demos
of them on the east coast for some reason.
Ive recently auditioned all of these. To my ear the Watt Puppy 8s are definitely superior. The Revels were detailed but a bit too "in your face" for my taste. Of course the associated equipment makes a difference. But in the same system (Krell EVO) I heard some Dynaudio C-4's (Stereophile 2007 co-speaker of the year). I really preferred them to the Revels, and in some ways to the Wilsons too. However if those are the two choices and you can afford it go with the Wilsons. If you don't like them send me an email and I'll buy them used from you. That's the only reason I don't own them now.