New or used???

I'm currently building a two-channel system starting with the speakers, and of all the speakers in the $3-$6K price range I have listened to (including Joseph RM25XL, Paradigm S6, B&W 804S, Totem Forest, Thiel CS 2.4, PSB Synchrony 1) the Von Schweikert VR-4JR, Dali Helicon 400 and Sonus Faber Grand Pianos and Cremonas all stood out for me.

Here's my dilemma ... For budgetary concerns (and so my fiancée doesn't kill me), I'm trying to keep the speaker purchase near $5K. I was wondering if any of you have any advice on buying new (the VR-4JRs or Dalis) vs. used (such as picking up the Cremonas or a pair of VR-4SRs used) as well as your opinion on how these speakers compare to each other. Thanks for your help.
I will not buy speakers that have to be shipped.I have had two episodes that caused me to question the wisdom of using anyone other than myself to transport them-ESPECIALLY if they were expensive,and or large.Besides,I want to hear anything used that costs over $1K.
Bobgofury said: Figure that you will lose 50% value the day you pick something out new or used.

I disagree with the "used" part of this assertion. Buying used can be a very good way to get equipment. I know this from experience since I've bought quite a lot used in recent years. I just recently sold a high-end SACD player (which I bought used) for more than I paid for it 18 months ago. Also, my previous tubed preamp (bought used) was sold for only a very small loss compared to what I paid for it after having it for a couple of years. Your point about new equipment losing value the day you buy it is valid.

To the OP: buying used speakers is OK especially if you can avoid the hassles of shipping. I have a pair of Electrovoice Patrician 800's in a secondary system that are nearly 40 years old that sound fantastic (they are all original). Good luck.
Every piece I have is used and I have had no issues yet "from my mouth to Gods ears" I have in the past purchased new and to truth support from the dealers stunk.I would rather take my chance used and save and if I have a problem down the road pay for repairs. used list as of now
Classe Dr-5 Pre purchased off of Ebay love it
power amps B&K M200 and an Amber series 70 both off of Audiogon
sound dynamics 300ti off of Audiogon
tuners both Kenwood 8300&Mitsubishi DF-20 Thrift store finds
cd players and dvd Audiogon
all cables off of Audiogon
so I have no issues and will continue in the future buying used off of Audiogon.
I used to purchase everything new. Now I'm older and wiser and let someone else take the 50% plus depreciation. Some used audio equipment is better than new because it is already burned in. All you have to do is get an honest seller or audition the equipment yourself. If you have a good tech that can check the electronics out before purchasing very expensive items all the better. I've been careful and have not been burned. I've bought near mint magnepan speakers (picked them up myself) and superb electronics from innersound, PS audio,luxman, McCormack & Lector all for 25-50 cents on the dollar.
Hi Jhkear,
I noticed that you didn't mention auditioning anything from JM Lab. IMHO that is an unfortunate omission. Used speakers from the Utopia and Electra lines are frequently available for a good price on Audiogon and it's a well established company if service is needed. Personally, in your price range, I would look at the pre Beryllium Mini or Mezzo Utopias.