Experience with the new Avantgarde Duo Omega

I currently own a pair of Duos that I am very pleased with. However, there is a new Duo Omega version available (a kit can be retrofitted to the non-Omega version). Does anyone have experience or observations with the new Omega version? The upgrade kit can be user installed and is not inexpensive. Thank you for your thoughts.
Triode, I have recently ordered the Omega upgrade for my Duos. I have heard from a couple of sources that the installation is quite simple. Your desciption however, suggests it may be harder than I have been led to believe. I must admit, taking a soldering iron to my Duos has me a bit nervous. Could you elaborate a bit more on the installation procedure?
Soldering is only required for the internal cable from the mid horn to the binding posts - the original cable must be de-soldered at the binding posts, then the new one soldered in place after the driver is replaced. Be sure to get some good solder w/high silver content! This is one of the easiest parts of the whole procedure. Just take your time and follow the instructions precisely - they give you a photo of each step along with the written procedures - no sweat.
Hi. To amplify on Triode's details on his upgrade. A most informative and comprehensive walk thru each step of the upgrade is available to peruse at 6 moons. This should assist in determining if you want to perform this job yourself. Avantgarde Duo Upgrade Article/Pictures.
Hey Triode, hi. Wondering what the rest of your system is. What preamp and amp are you using? Thank you kindly.
Tubes108: my pre is Cary SLP-98L with oil caps and direct coupling, with some groovy NOS Tung-Sol black glass round plate 6SN7s, and my new amps - the single most amazing piece of electronics I've ever "heard" - are Lamm ML2 monoblocks. Just retubed the Lamms (including NOS Tele 12AX7 smoothplates) and I'm in heaven. The system literally astounds me every day...