12K new/used to spend

I am thinking of upgrading my speakers and can go up to 12K, new or used but less expensive is definitely appreciated. I need fairly high WAF plus some that would sound great placed less than 3 feet from the back wall and would prefer under 48" high. I listen to a variety of music accenting rock and classical/orchestral. My front end is NorthStar CD&DAC,Aragon 8008BB amp and 28K preamp. I have a large room. (see system for more detail)
I am thinking Wilson Sophia2 or B&W D series or Sonus Faber.
Any suggestions would be appreciated as to speakers I should consider and what you like about them. Also if used, is there a limit in years used when you need to be careful about degradation from drivers and crossovers. Thanks, Joe
To my list of being considered I would like to add the Krell Resolution 2 and the Usher Dancer 8571. Any opions on these as well as the Sophia 2, and Sonus would be appreciated.
Shahinian Obelisk's
Great WAF. (exceptional WAF)
30" high
On casters
Marvelous sound.
Hbarrel Thank you for introducing me to this interesting speaker. It is visually lovely, indeed. Read some of the review artciles. And will see if I can arrange a listen. Do you own them?
Look for some Coincident Total Eclipse II. For the money used 8900.00 Hard to beat.