Most Overated Floor Standing Speaker Up to 15KPair

From your personal experiences what speaker, (Price range 0-15K Pair) did you demo or hear that you thought would be much better than they actually were?
As the owner of Sophia speakers I don't think they qualify,here. Like any speaker,it might not float everybody's boat but they do reproduce near the full spectrum. At "this" price range the Merlins MM's I owned for 4 or 5 months were quite a few hrtz. short of the Wilsons. There are a few speakers with a serious hump or shortcoming. There are probably many whom love either one of these speakers and find neither as "OVERRATED". So, it's all in the mind;or the ears.
My vote also goes with the Sophias. I was auditioning preamps about a week ago and as the listening room at the dealer had recently undergone some renovation, it was admittedly not completely set up yet. However, no amount of manipulation made the Wilsons sound good. While they had a pleasant high end and with a lot of experimentation, a decent soundstage, the mid-bass/lower midrange remained awful. On any sort of drum, woodblock, etc it always sounded like someone was hitting a mud puddle with a stick.
I had the same experience with Sophias and Spectral: I couldn't even recognize Muddy Waters' voice I had to ask teh sales person. Never had such an experience before even with small monitors and a British integrated.
I was going to add this to my original post but I was late. My Sophia's took at least 2 months of 24/7 to get there. I can tell you bass is not their shortcoming; once they have enough hours on them. (like so many things)
I know the whole line: Gershwin.
They're all upto $15k and all as one are overrated.