Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?

There's almost no consumer impressions of this amp on the internet... but the 6moons review is intriguing.
No buzz. No sound. No distortion. No color.

Listen the Sweetcord is a good cable but I will tell you putting a Stage. 3 or better yet a Dynamic Design Heritage AC cable on it will make you very happy. You can get the DD Heritage for $900.00 as I did and it transformed the amp into a liquid - full images and dynamic sounding amp that goes way beyond the Sweetpee cable. Are you listening to me boys and girls??
$900.00 and your little Job 225 will eat those big A$$ $20K amps :)
Sebna, My Job currently rests on brass points so I cannot tell if it wobbles but don't remember it ever doing that when I took it out of the box. Regarding the buzz, yes my Job makes a VERY faint buzzing but it's heard only when I literally put my ear on the faceplate. Only transformer hum, not to worry.

Glory, LOL on the "Sweetpee". I'm sure that Heritage cord takes your 225 to the next level. I know I heard a wonderful improvement when going to my Synergistic Element Tungsten.
Yes Devil I was taken back by a HE AC cable the the little guy. He now sounds like a $20K amp.

Got him up on Sistrum Sp-1 stands. No noise from him no not even a peep.

You still plan on modding the Job, or will you wait for the monoblocs (year end)?