recommend entry-level high-efficiency loudspeakers


I'm interested in building a shortlist of entry-level high efficiency loudspeakers suitable for use w/ lower powered tube amps, including single-ended triode setups. It's been a while since I actively researched audio gear and have never looked into high-efficiency designs in any detail.

I will define entry-level as absolutely no more than $1000 USD new but preferably speakers that are in the ~$500 USD used range.

Thanks for your thoughts.
I would second the Triangle Titus, very efficient and accurate. I replaced a pair of B&W 330i's with the titus to keep peace with the wife. I looked at many small speakers from VR 1's to Amphion Argons. The Argons sounded great to me but they were $2200 and I was able to pickup the Titus for $495 deliverd to my door. I have had them for a little over a year and for the money I have not found anything that I like better.
klipsch rb5 II is a bargain and a nice speaker...have to find used as it is discontinued; ebay best bet
Without knowing the variables of your room, I'd "third' the recommendation on the Triangles. These dynamic simple speakers are perfect for good tubes it appears
If you could find a used pair of Klipsch KLF20s you would be in good shape. Great High efficiency (100db) speaker. I used mine with a Jolida PP amp, would be even better with SET. Dynamics in spades.