PMC speakers vs B&W... has anyone compared?

I'm coming to realize the next step up the sonic food chain might be more capable speakers then my CDM 9NT's. The Natilus range (804/802) might be the ticket... I've always used B&W's, but have an itch for something different too. Looking at the numbers of the PMC FB1+, seems to tell me their range is amazing - much broader then the 9nt's. I know specs don't tell the whole story so I thought I'd see if anyone with any first hand comparision of these brands might shed some light. What would be considered a better speaker in PMC's line the the smaller Natilus floorstanders?
Jazz and rock on vinyl is what I listen to mostly.
I havent heard either speaker so I have no input. However, after reading the above statements, Ive found myself no closer in reaching a opinion on what the advantages of each speaker are, then before I started reading.
If anything, B&W have so many many designs that, in the end, it is impossible to compare them as a brand to a small company like PMC with a limited offering.

PMC pro series gear is fairly distinctive and recognizable; neutral sound, good dispersion in the mid, very dynamic and with good quality extended bass response - they play all genres well but being quite neutral may lack the "sizzle" or "flavor" that you can find by choosing between the extensive vareiety of B&W designs.

....this is a very old thread which got quickly diverted from a meaningful discussion BTW; if you are seeking guidance then start a new thread with a more specific question (a particular speaker versus another for example rather than a brand war...)
PMC speakers are neutral and do not have a house sound of their own, have extended bass response and can go very loud. My only complain of them is they look a tad ugly.

B&W's have a unique house sound that is easily recognizable. You would either love it or hate it.

I own both the mini-monitors in their higher range line-up, and can easily live with both. I liked the PMC's better though.
This thread is ancient. If you trip over it, just wanted to mention a few names you might recognize, they all use PMC.

Tori Amos
Ray Charles
Robert Fripp
Earth Wind & Fire
Peter Gabriel
James Newton Howard
Robbie Robertson
Steve Winwood
Stevie Wonder

Not to mention literally hundreds of studios throughout the world, including names like Capital Records, Chesky Records, Dolby Europe, Lucas Film, Polygram, Paramount...

A few tin eared musicians and fly-by-night outfits.
Not too bad, I guess, when up against companies that have been entrenched in the industry for decades longer?