McIntosh MA6500 Integrated amp

Hello all,

Thank goodness the list is back, thank you Audiogon!

I am looking for people who have had a chance to audition or owns the McIntosh MA6500 integrated amp.

I have read a few user reviews on this amp lately that have given it high praise. I was in a shop today and was able to try it. It was hooked to Kef Model Two speakers and the source was a $500 Marantz Carousel. I too was very impressed with this amp.

If anyone else has had any experience with this please share.

Thank you.
Before you buy that Mcintosh ma6500, go listen to a Anthem i-225 int amp !...the best of both worlds !...
Check out the new Coda technologies for in the $5k range delivered.
You get a great sounding amp 2ka transformer pure class a up to the first 10 watts if you ask for it n the build 330wpc 8 ohms 660 into 4 ohms over 125amps peak current.will drive anything,microproccesor controlled preamp section
All handbuilt,tested, and assembled in California,U.S.A the most powerful
Amp in it's class and very clear and natural sounding.i heard a 3 year old
Model with Aerial 10t speakers , and Maggi 3.7 in a decent size room
And in both speakers sounded great with power to spare,at over 95db constant, and at low volume Very good focus .p.s they do have home
Yes...the plastic knobs are shameful. Would never own a piece of gear that had plastic knobs. Don't care much for Mcintosh anyway but....all that money! they should be ashamed.