Coping in an Age of Uncertainty

there have been numerous threads here, i know, about sacd v. dvd-a, upsampling, oversampling, etc. a number of these threads have included discussions of which, if any, new digital format will replace what we now call “redbook” cd’s. i don’t wish to rehash these discussions. rather, i’d like to hear from others how they are coping with the “age of uncertainty” in the realm of digital audio. is it better to “roll the dice” and invest in sacd or dvd a? ignore the contenders for the new and get the best possible out of redbook cd’s? buy with upgradeability firmly in mind? follow another path? i don’t post this query out of mere curiosity. i really haven’t figured out what course i should follow. i’d appreciate your giving me a hand. -kelly
Jsbail---my problem is not with the $1200 for a Sony 9000ES---it's with the fact that out of approx. 150-200 SACDs now available, there are maybe 8 (classical) that I would buy----many of which are of performances from back in the dark ages, and I'm not convinced all of those are worth resurrecting. To me that's not much justification for shelling out the money, especially with the whole situation up in the air as to what format will last. About a year ago, I bought a Wadia 830, and although there are more more expensive players around, it certainly can't be considered cheap. I hate to keep piling more and more redundant equipment onto the rack. I have expressed my feelings about the merits/failings of CD, SACD, analog, etc., under the heading "SACD vs. Analog". I'd like to get reactions to what I posted there. I think we've all reached a crossroad at which we can either sit down and wait, or make some move to keep the journey going. What sez ya?
I am stunned at the response to Kelly's thread. I had dumbly thought that I was one of the few still stewing on this issue. Of interst to my situation are the posts that say use the 9000ES as a transport -w- an external DAC (to boost standard CD playback) and enjoy both worlds. The only problem that I still have is that there are very few SACD disks that really interest me. It is, IMO, the resposibility of the manufacturers (not the consumers "sitting on the fence") to make this format readily available in all types of music. Without plentiful source material to listen to in SACD, what is the point? I play a lot of old crappy sounding CD's on a daily basis, because they have the "music" on them that I want to listen to. SACD source material is like having only one pair of shoes - they get old very fast.
Ok Dekay and 914nut, I see your point about no good sacd music. I needed a new dvd player anyway so its no gamble to me. I do believe the war is over and sacd has won, and we will see a lot of new music on this format.
Jsbail: If I were interested in, or needed a DVD player (because I already have a DAC that I like the sound of) picking up the 9000ES would be a no brainer. If I were in the market for both playbacks - DVD/CD-w-DAC - (SACD would just be the icing on the cake). We have played less than 10 videos in 10 years, which is why DVD does not interest me. I would like to eventually use my CAL player, as a stand alone, in another system and will take a look at what's available then (as I would need another player/transport). Now to drive everyone crazy: Has anyone seen the Japanese (domestic) version of the 9000ES with the champagne front cover and case? There were a few auctions of this model on Ebay a while back and it was very striking (more so than a black box), IMO. I wonder if a dealer could order this version (which looked similar to the top of line Marantz model)?
Dekay----I'm in the same boat as regards DVD. I can't imagine why anyone buys movies today, or even rents them for that matter. I'm now on digital cable and there's more stuff available, either HBO, etc., or PPV, than I have time, or wish to take time, to watch. I know there are music videos of classical content, but the few I've seen are so contrived I have no desire to watch them, much less to own them.

I think I'll probably hold off buying anything right now, and see what Sony comes up with in the next few months. I've heard rumors about an SACD player in the $500 range. It's gotta happen sooner or later.

As far as uncertainty is concerned, I think the thing that ISN't uncertain is that SACD/DVD will take over, just as CDs took over from LPs.(I recently read that Doug Sax Mastering is selling their analog cutting lathes and gearing up for SACDs, so LPs may soon be in their final death throes.) I keep hearing of chips being the truly next big thing, but that's probably a few years away and will be really traumatic for many companies and consumers.