Audiogon identifier at Stereophile show?

Is there anything in the works for 'Goners attending the show in NY, such as a little "A" decal or sticker for our show badges? This would be a nice way for folks to seek each other out in NY so as to put a face to the user names of the people we interact with online? A lot of us know each other by our "real" names but a lot of us only know each other by our user names.
Fine sound deserves fine food why not indulge oh come on I know you guys are snobs , I am a native new yorker and a snob when it comes to wine, food, sound systems and women oh no wait not women at that I am a slob but let's not get gross. Anyone want to dine well I suggest french oh no I am sensing the anti french put downs. You don't have to become french or speak it just indulge , there are many good french places to dine at just look up the zagat guide they are pretty much on the money.
Off Topic, Please check out the gear from Oracle Audio out of Canada, specifically the P1000 amp and if they bring the SI3000 int. amp. Thanks
I've got it!
A patch of a white van with a red circle around it and a line through it.