Serendipity: perfect example

I have my monitors positioned 6 feet apart and my favorite listening chair about 6 back, to complete my listening equalateral triangle. So I thought!! While listening to some music I had to fudge around with something by the fireplace, while sitting on an ottoman. Wow, the soundstage got so much deeper I had to stop what I was doing. I was freaking out how intimate everything sounded. Turns out, (I'll save you the ridiculous details) my listening chair was more like eight feet back. Moved my chair up two feet, (man did the speakers look ridiculously close) to complete a dead on equalateral triangle, and I'm flipping. Not only do the speakers remain, just, a visual presence, but the music is so much more intimate with a depth that boggles. I'll look dead on at one of the speakers, and there is plenty of sound coming from behind the speaker and the center, as well, but nothing directly from the speaker. Also, now I have even less reflective wall crap to worry about. Any others sitting on their speakers like this? Quite amazing. And to think I was lookig for cracks in my fireplace. That, is serendipity. peace, warren
Where have you been, after all of the discussions here on proper set up? Well, better late than never. :-)

Incidentially, I just saw a photo of a well known equipment modder listening to his work over his system. His dynamic speakers were pointed straight ahead about 1 foot from the side walls and there was no reduction on the walls to eliminate /reduce first reflections. Hmmmm....wonder if I want to buy his mod's based on what he hears. Maybe not.
I actually have my speakers spaced exactly 5.56 inches apart, and facing toward each other. This allows me just enough room to squeeze my head between them. My La Scala's sound scary close to headphones.
Hey, I was only off by 2 feet. Just trying to make the point as to how critical that 2 feet can be...
2 Feet? Lets try 2 inches! Keep that fine tuning going, practice makes perfect. :-)