new gear vs used gear

another thread got me thinking about this,how much of your current rig was bought new & how much of it was bought here on audiogon or ebay.

out of the 14 seperate pcs of gear im currently running 12 were bought on audiogon & 2 were bought at a dealer.

this isnt a dealer bashing thread i was just curious as to the numbers & why you choose to buy used or new.

Throughout the last 30+ yrs. of buying audio, I've kept new pieces longer but have had more used pieces. Buying used just makes it easier to try different gear & not lose big $$$ when it doesn't work out.

I currently have 3 new pieces, those being spkrs. that are 2.5 yrs. old, an isolation piece I just got last week & a phono pre I picked up yesterday. All my other gear is used and the cables are a combination of new, demo & DIY.
100% used...or, if I used Nrchy's methods, somewhere around 178% used. 100% Audiogon. Nothing from eBay. I used to like eBay back in the late 90's, but now you'd better be wearing protection when you trade there or you risk a nasty case of the Clap! Wait a minute, I did get some tubes on eBay. Come to think of it, that's when that burning sensation started!

Marco BROKE a friggen pair of cables?!?! How does one do that? I thought FedexGround were the only ones capable of such things?!

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