Here's To Dear Old Dad

Since this weekend is Father's Day, I thought I'd offer a tribute to the fathers of the world by pointing out how my own dear Dad unwittingly got me into this hobby oh so many years ago.

It was my twelfth birthday. As I opened the box, I wasn't quite sure what to expect. Inside was a little, gray, plastic, Sony cassette tape recorder. At first I wasn't quite sure what to make of it. But, as time went by and I acquired my own little collection of tapes, I grew to love that little machine. And the hours of pleasure listening to music gave me. Of course, over the years my systems grew in price and complexity, but that's another story...

Does anyone else have any similar stories they'd like to share?
As a kid, I remember listening to my dad playing 1950's jazz recordings through a Heathkit tube amp and some speakers that he built the cabinets to, and thinking how it sounded like there were musicians in our living room. As a matter of fact, many a night when I was in bed, I would hear these sounds coming from downstairs in our living room and wondering when the musicians came over, and how come they only were there after after I went to bed. My dad is gone now, but every time I hear certain recordings, I think of him, smile, and thank him. I hope that one day my own two great kids will have fond memories such as those. Happy Father's Day everyone!
My dad had an old German console radio and record player, which my daughter has now. My brother and I used to listen to the short wave receiver quite often -- and I sure remember the old records, especially the musicals. A bigger influence on me, relative to being an audiophile, was my friend's father, who was an electrical engineer. He built Heathkit products and made sure his son, my friend, had decent equipment so I grew to appreciate good sound. I still remember my friend's Dual turntable and how it would continue to play records even when tilted at a 60 degree angle -- kids, don't try that at home ;-)
My story is very similar to yours, kensekd. My father also gave me a sony boom box when i was around 10. I still remember listening to miles davis reel-to-reels on his maggie mg1's when i was a kid. I still have the bug 20 years later with my 3.5's; courtesy of dear old dad.