McIntosh vs. Accuphase

I've heard more than once that Accuphase was Japan's McIntosh and was wondering if someone that has had experience with both brands would like to give their opinions on any differences and likeness these makes share sonically from top to bottom? More specifically the McIntosh MC252, MC352 amps vs like wattage Accuphase units. I've noticed in the specs of both that the Accuphase amps have a much higher damping factor vs. the McIntosh which from what I understand could tell how it might effect bass performance with a given speaker. Any input or stories you might have pertaining to either brand would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Brian/Texas
All right, that being said. What would you say is the Solid State McIntosh and Accuphase "House" sound? Are they similar from top to bottom or does one thing stand out from the others say driving the same speakers in a similar setup or are we mostly saying cosmetics is the biggest difference between the two and it's mostly personal preference?
when kenwood's bid to buy mac was rejected, they started their own hi end brand 'accuphase'. the comparisons early on where mainly those of build quality and versatility. early accuphase gear shared the sonic character of kenwood(obviously). the early accuphase gear is certainly good sonically, and because it 'isn't mac' it can be purchased on-the-cheap except for the rarest units. the list prices on new accuphase gear 'like many other brands' are comical. when purchasing anything in the higher priced end of home audio always try to find it used.
I've always thought the Accuphase was called the Japanese McIntosh because they looked the same. The Accuphase gear had the meters just like the Mc did. Sound? I doubt they're the same. McIntosh do a lot of things different to others, and have a lot of things in their amps no one else has.

As for damping factor. 1) I've read that a damping factor above 40 is good enough, and you can't hear or even measure the difference between amps with damping of 40 or above. 2) Damping factor is not as much of an issue with the Mc compared to other amps, due to the fact they use output transformers (autoformers).
I would not compare them face to face since, as stated above, their design approach is quite different, but have a high POO ratio and construction is superb.

I have had both company amps (more Macs than Accuphase) and both are excelent options. An interesting note is that Accuphase and/or McIntosh owners tend to keep their gear longer than other similary priced equipment, and look for having the rest of the system of the same make.


FWIW, I had a MC-352 for some time driving Legacy Focus 20/20s. These Legacy speakers are very efficient, but love current, and have impedance dips below two ohms. The MC-352 was NOT lacking in the bottom end at all. At one time [just before owning the MAC] I was using 1200 Watt Monoblocs, and the 350 Watts/channel from the MC-352 was stronger/better in every way beyond a shadow of a doubt. Therefore, I would not worry about the Mac's ability to deliver bottom end. However, Mac does have a certain "sound" to it. You need to listen to see if it is right for you.