Which computer for digitizing and streaming?

Hi All,

After five foot surgeries, I'm moving to digitize my LP collection. I will be buying a new computer which will be used exclusively as a music streamer. My question: does the computer matter other than the size of the hard drive? I could get a mini mac or a PC laptop; I'm not wedded to either format. Other than size of the hard drive, what, if any, other specs should I be on the lookout for?

Any advice recommendations will be greatly appreciated.

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Ihave been streaming Tidal and classics online over WiFi. With a Lenova PC I had nothing but trouble. With a Mac Pro everything works perfect. If you are going to connect your router to the streaming device with an eithrtnet cable both should work ok.Alan
How many LPs are you considering digitizing? Also, what is your phono setup?
You can start digitizing you best LP into Mac Mini($500+) with Amarra, Stream Tidal with Sonos ($500)and all control by Ipad ($500).
System software upgrade / update easily and free, all you have to do is push one button and music will sound better every time.