OK Come Clean, whats in your closet ?

No I dont want to hear about any dead bodies or your blue movie collection. I was reading a post on AA about what should people do with their unsold Audio Equipment. Cmon now in addition to that box with a zillion Radio Shack cables what do you have laying around.

I'll come clean.........in the Closet I have

An Anthem MCA 3 series II amp
A Technichs DVDA-10
A Denon Cassette Deck
A BBE sonic maximizer
A Radio Shack rack mounted power conditioner
and 3 NHT Super one speakers.

Not too bad , used to be worse and not that the above items are junk, but who knows, one mans junk could be another mans treaure , maybe this thread can inspire trades or something. So come clean, Whats in your closet ! Thanks.
A brute of a receiver, a Sony STR7065. The tuner in this thing is very good. It has apparently died a quiet death but it is too handsome with its wood cabinet to just toss. a couple of little speakers, Yamaha tuner, Koss dvd, misc wires and ic's. Darn, now I'll have to purge it. Out to the shed. Cheers.
OK, here's stuff I got laying around...

Acoustic Zen Matrix Ref II interconnects
Blue Circle BC22 amp
Blue Circle BC62 power cord
Blue Circle Music Ring MR1200 power conditioner
Bryston 4B amp
Eastern Electric MiniMax preamp
Luminous Audio AXIOM preamp
NHT SuperZeros speakers
ProAc Response 1SC speakers
ProAc Tablette 50 Signature speakers
Ridge Treet Audio Poiema speaker cables
Virtual Dynamics Audition interconnects and speaker cables
Virtual Dynamics Nite digital cable
Also, a crapper load of tubes and various other cheapo cables.

Most of this stuff I intend to sell and some I'll keep, I just gotta decide which.
About 10 stock power cords, 6m Discovery Signature RCA IC pair, 6 ft. pair of Discovery Signature speaker cables, Canare 1 meter Digiflex Goldi digital cable. That's it. Pretty clean.
Bose 901s, series 1, 1970
Phase Linear 400
Harman Kardon Citation11
ARC D-115mk2
Rega Planet
Spectral DMA50(2)
Spectral DMA200
Spectral DMC10
Acoustat 2+2s
Nakamachi Dragon cassette
Denon tuner(model #?)
AR 3a, pr.
AR2ax, pr
Dynaco A25, pr.
2000 45s
300 78s
2000 33s
100 8 tracks
200 cassettes
Dual 1219 with Shure V15.1 or 2
1960 Ford Starliner with tube AM radio, does that count?

Looks like: YARD SALE!
Kool . I did throw out a couple of pieces 2 months ago , A Sony Ta 55ES Amp, it had a schratchy gain control, which by the time I ever got fixed, then sold, I would only break even, and a Pioneer 5 year old CDR that would not read discs anymore {Good luck trying to find someone to fix that ! } so in the garbage they went !

I found a couple of items not on my original list. A PS Audio Ultimate outlet....{I just got a Audio Magic Eclipse} so The UO is almost in the closet. And a AH transformer hum killer. Also if the cables are above Rat Shack , then they qualify, I have an Acoustic Zen MC2 with a broken connector, some really ugly monster cables and various Audioquests. and some raw Kimber 4TC. In a week we should go over everyones list and put together the best system possible from the various parts and also vote on who is the King of the most useless pieces of audio crap in the closet !