The Best Inexpensive Wines Available Now

I'm always on the lookout for good wines at a fair value. Ok so maybe cheap wines that taste expensive. Anyway, are there wines that you've had recently that you would consider a terrific value for the price? I personally enjoy the merlot and chardonnay from Clos du Bois which both cost about $14 in New Hampshire. To relax with a glass of either and listen to my music (classical and jazz) does make the early evening sit pleasingly well.
Bogle Chardonnay (California)$8.99

Columbia Crest Grand Estates (Washington) - Cab or Chard. about $12.99

Concha y Toro Marques Casa Concha (Chile) -Cab or Chard. about $14

Chateau Souverain (California) -Cab or Chard. about $14

Above are consistently good year to year.

The list could go on and on (Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Italy). Just have to shop around, and taste! :>)

J Lohr chardonnay is one I even like at about $12 a bottle.

Sawtooth chardonnay is great as well at $8, as are all their white wines.

Thanks for starting this thread. I'm sure my wife will enjoy all the recommendations.
I "REALLY" enjoy a nice glass of wine when listening to my system. Problem is, I'm notoriously frugal. Here are my current favorites.

Yellow Tail Shiraz currently $6.99
Trinity Oaks 1999 Zinfandel $5.99

The Yellow Tail may be shunned by the wine critics, but I think it has a most unusual and absolutely unique (to me anyway) flavor that really gets me going....every time!! I must admit, I also like some of the other high volume Austrailian Shirazs' that are currently being "given away" at my local Kroger Store in Cincinnati.

I initially bought the Trinity Oaks Zin just to see how inexpensive a wine can actually become and still prove enjoyable. I was plesantly surprised and, for now, this Zin has replaced the Cline, Rosenblum and Rabbit Ridge as my inexpensive Red Zinfandel of choice.

I don't know about the rest of the country (or the World), but wine prices have never been better in Cincinnati. I could be forever happy with the wines that are available locally for under $10 bottle, Red or White!!!

Enjoy, (and currently having a glass of Trinity Oaks Zin)

Heron Chardonnay, about $10.99. Badia a Colibuono Chianti Cetamura, $11.99. Rosenblum Vintners Cuvee Zin, $9.99. From South Africa, any Indaba wines $7.99-9.99.
Seghesio Zin is an exceptional value at about $15. It's price started at about $8.99 and has taken off.

If you like Zins, don't miss this one.
