What music do you want to play really loud?

What music do you want to crank up your system for?
I want to know the title and the artist, any type of music.
My choice is The Wall by Pink Floyd.
I own 4-5 KC records, the last being "Too Cool To Conga!". Wasn't aware of this live record, thx for the tip!!

Thanks. I am on it.

I share your enthusiasm for live infectious funky stuff.
These are the songs I crank at break-neck volumes most often, and why I need more amplification:

1. 'Pushit' by Tool off 'Saliva'
2. 'Delirium Trigger' by Coheed and Cambria off 'The Second Stage Turbine Blade'
3. 'Hang you from the Heavens' by The Dead Weather off 'Horehound'
4. 'Assassin' by Muse off 'Black Holes and Revelations'
5. 'Icky Thump' by The White Stripes

...and now it's time to make the ears ring. :-)