Reducing room TEMP. when using tube equipment.

I live in California where it has been darn HOT. I Bi-Amp with old Audio Research D76A tube amps (Two). My problem:
When the Temp. goes into the 80’s, I really can not turn on my System. The room temp. is just too uncomfortable. As you might guess I do not have air conditioning. Has anyone tried to use the new PC computer cooling systems to remove the heat. I know very little about these liquid-cooling systems. Any other ideas? The flip side is … I love’m in the winter.

If you can afford it, split a/c systems are available without the neccesity for ductwork. A handfull of manufacturers out there with efficient units. Email if you need additional info.
A potential problem with portable air conditioners would be the noise. You might be throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
Talk about the ultimate listening room. Outside. Of course, you're kind of screwed if it rains. Does away with side wall reflections, however.
Thanks for the response. I think I'll move someplace cooler.
Monterey Bay ...down at the ocean maybe.