NaimNait 5.1A vs, Music Fidelity A3.2

I'm switching from separates Spectral to an integrated system. I would like opinions between Naim Nait5.1, Naim Nait5 and the Music Fidelity A3.2.

Opinions please?
Can you describe what you find lacking on your spectral set up? As Jay stated, Spectral separates are very different beasts then Naim integrateds. But then, may be you are simply curious about the Prat that Naim supposedly tauts.
I've had the Spectral DMC-10 Gamma for at least 12 years. Iy's a great preamp. I've sold my Threshold 350E which was an excellent match with this preaamp and my Miarge M-1's.

Great system. I have no pronlem keeping the Spectral but I need to mate with a used 2 channel amp that sound good around a $1,000. Any thoughts?
i that case the naim integrated is quite good. there is also the cyrus 6 and the revox elegance amp for around 1k....the revox integrated is my pick of the three(it actually performs like a much more expensive integrated (lots of detail,bass,etc) any case they all are capable of delivering satisfying music.