Used Pre-amp advise please....

It turns out that I need your advices once again...
I recently just upgraded my B&W N805 to a pair of Dunlavy Alethas (and decided to put them in my living room which I believe is big enough to accomodate them). My current system (tight-budget system):
Jadis JD-3 CD
AudioNote DAC 2
Krell KSP-7B
Krell KSA250
Cardas Neutral Ref & Nordost BlueHeaven RCA
Cardas Quadlink cable speakers
I am quite ok with the system until I heard the combination of Conrad-Johnson PV10a with my Krell, which turned out to be very musical, detail, and sweet (lack of bass & soundstage, a bit lean). A huge improvement over my krell ksp-7b.... Since I virtually have spent all of my $ for the Dunlavys, I could not afford a better pre than a used one (my Ksp-7B is only worth $550 at my dealer). My current choices are: CJ PV10a ($750), CJ PF-2 ($800) or Sonic Frontier SFL-2 ($1000). My concern is the CJs are quite low-ends (non-replaceable power cord) while the SFL-2 is quite old (1996, and the comp have been brankrupt). Any sugestion among those pre-amps? Thanks in advance....


I have Audible Illusions Modulus 3 which has be modified by the Audible Illutions Factory to a Modulus 3A (very easy and very simple) with all the factory notes and documentations. Hardly used. I will soon put up for sale.
Ok, I've never owned the speakers----BUT--- the speaker wires are 12/15 years old and weren't all that good;back then.---I did own the wires and have upgraded many times since---all for the better.-- Try to borrow some wires from a friend and see what you hear??
Avguygeorge is right. I have owned the Quadlink 5C cables too and upgrading to Cardas Cross and then TG Audio's HSR speaker cables has been an big step up each time. I've never heard your amps or your speakers but would still tell you that your Dunlavy's deserve better!