Used Pre-amp advise please....

It turns out that I need your advices once again...
I recently just upgraded my B&W N805 to a pair of Dunlavy Alethas (and decided to put them in my living room which I believe is big enough to accomodate them). My current system (tight-budget system):
Jadis JD-3 CD
AudioNote DAC 2
Krell KSP-7B
Krell KSA250
Cardas Neutral Ref & Nordost BlueHeaven RCA
Cardas Quadlink cable speakers
I am quite ok with the system until I heard the combination of Conrad-Johnson PV10a with my Krell, which turned out to be very musical, detail, and sweet (lack of bass & soundstage, a bit lean). A huge improvement over my krell ksp-7b.... Since I virtually have spent all of my $ for the Dunlavys, I could not afford a better pre than a used one (my Ksp-7B is only worth $550 at my dealer). My current choices are: CJ PV10a ($750), CJ PF-2 ($800) or Sonic Frontier SFL-2 ($1000). My concern is the CJs are quite low-ends (non-replaceable power cord) while the SFL-2 is quite old (1996, and the comp have been brankrupt). Any sugestion among those pre-amps? Thanks in advance....



Showing 1 response by avguygeorge

Ok, I've never owned the speakers----BUT--- the speaker wires are 12/15 years old and weren't all that good;back then.---I did own the wires and have upgraded many times since---all for the better.-- Try to borrow some wires from a friend and see what you hear??