Preamp for Jadis Orchestra Ref

I have a Jadis Orchestra Reference amplifier. I have read in threads sometime ago (must be over a year) that a preamp would improve it's sound. I tried to look for the old threads but they seem to have been deleted (not sure if it was this site or elsewhere). I listen to everything (rock, alternative, acoustic, female vocals, jazz, classical) and the amp does a decent job with all. I have it hooked to a pair of Cabasse Farellas. I am wondering if anyone has had experience matching a preamp to this integrated.
No I did not try to disconnect the pre. Whats the point. If you want more, then get the DA30 or even the DA60. My plans are to get a used DA60 for around $3K. I could go Cayin 6550 monon + Ding Ma pre, but I think it will be less than what the DA60 will offer, at around the same $. That will be my very last amp I'll ever own.
Cheers. someone mentioned the Da60 blows away the Orch Refer.
after hooking up the old Marantz 4300, a 100 watt ss amp, I realized the Jadis intergrated simply cannot be beat. Jadis offers in my opinion the finest quality amp for musical qualities, neutrality = least coloring (almost nil, in fact nil!), quality bass, live mids, can't say about the highs, cause I've only heard the little Orch, but I'm sure the big Jadis', the Da30, DA60, all the Jadis mono blocks offer more dynamics in the treble. Now all those good things do not come cheap. Jadis is not cheap in construction, and thus in price. I was thinking in going Cayin, to save a few bucks...but now that i think about it, the Jadis is built to last, you won't have to worry about sending her off to the doctor any time soon, if ever. So though Cayin's line is very tempting...I'm set on the DA60. After spending $$$ on junk, now I've come to my senses, i'm going for the best.