Insides of Lazarus H-1A amp...

For anyone who is interested..
Jeff, I doubt you will be able to find a schematic.

I bought my Lazarus directly from Andy (?), sorry I can't remember his last name, and I'm not sure that Andy is his first name either, but he was the designer/owner of Lazarus. He wasn't very organized or interested in helping me when I had a problem shortly after purchasing my amp. I would be very surprised if he ever had a schematic in the marketplace.

Last I heard he was designing for Muse.
Adonati, thx much. I've e-mailed them.

Fiddler, Lazarus's owner/designer is named Greg something. As a dealer in the '80s I did business with him.

Muse, huh?

About a year ago, I e-mailed Muse looking for Greg Miller. He doesn't work there. I'm thinking that perhaps he's still in North Hollywood, CA ?
Yep, thanks for refreshing my memory, Greg Miller. (Andy was close, hehe!) I went to his house in Van Nuys when I bought the amp. He seemed burned-out on the business, but that was because his business was floundering. I think he built really good equipment, he just had a hard time with capital.