Dartzeel NHB-108

Has anyone heard this Swiss amp? If so, I'd appreciate any comments or thoughts. Thanks!
Well guys i have now had my new Dartzeel NHB-108 model one playing for >90 hrs. Wow, even at this early stage of break-in this is a fine instrument! Speed, speed, speed to absolutely effortlessly dance with the music at every turn. The resolution, clarity, tonality and layering of all musical notes from top to bottom is outstanding and true to live. There is plenty of juice here to play all frequencies with authority in my system consisting of Kharma Midi Grands, Meitnerized Phillips SACD 1000 and the DCC2. I'll continue to listen and keep you posted.

The Darts have landed here in the Midwest. I only have one hooked up right now--the cables necessary to hook up both are being built--but everything Aponter4 says about them is right on the money. These are VERY special products.
Hi Aponter4,

I recently changed out my Tenor 75w OTL's for the cooler running Dartzeel... Prior to purchasing the Darzeel my top amps were all tubed...Tenor OTL / Atmosphere OTL / VTL and no solid state contenders..but there is one now !!

There is a immediate & striking naturalness to the Dartzeel, I also use the meitnerized Philips / Meitner DCC2 and DNM solid core interconnects & speaker wires...

I did not have the Tenors for side by side comparison, but how would you characterize the Dartzeel sound to the best Tubes specifically the Tenors ?

Also, have you any opinion of the DCC2 as a pre-amp for a Hi quality Phono input?


Tim R (ceol)

cell (724)712 0899