What 2 Ch PreAmp for DefTech BP2000 and B&K Amp

Looking for recommndations for a good 2Ch PreAmp to go with Definitive Technology BP200os and a B&K Reference 7250 Amp. I listen to Rock Pop through CD. Right now I have a Sony E9000ES Pre/Amp. Also may consider a good D/A and have been doing research hear as I do have a Soild State Sony P9000ES.

OK, I'm with ya, dude. =]

I would still recommend the BK line of HT pre/pro for two channel listening in your situation. I use the DIRECT mode to avoid any processing. It could also handle your HT duties.

And, I would still highly recommend the CJ PV10A or other CJ tubed pre. This will give you the warmth that I believe you are looking for. Imaging is awesome, also.

Let me know what you buy.

A tube preamp will help, you need to match output voltage of the pre with what your amp requires for an input. CJ 10 or 11 (2volt output)will sound less harsh. Both are older models, no longer in production, fairly cheap as used. I use a Audible Illusions 2D. When i was trying to tame the harshness other people recommended CJ 10 and 11 for me too.