Thoughts on the best "budget" amp/preamp combo?

Hey guys,
I'm looking for suggestions for the best amp/preamp combo that I can find used for under $1250 (or in that neighborhood). I'm also considering integrateds, but really would rather go the amp/preamp route. I don't need tons of power, I'm driving a pair of fairly efficient monitors in a medium sized room. I would however like to be over 100 watts or so, and prefer solid state.
What do you think?
Thanks, Jb3
At that price and also considering you would need a decent cable of around $200 used to connect the two, I would seriously consider going to an integrated. An integrated such as the Primare A30.1, Plinius 8100/8150i would probably best most preamp amp combos at the price used. However, if you are sure about doing separates, maybe look to a Used Linn LK140/Kolector combo using Nordost Red Dawn, should be around $1300-$1400 used. Another may be the Belles 150A Hot Rod and a Passive pre-amp. Lastly the Marsh 100w amp/remote preamp combo may run around $1400 used if you go lower than that you may end up with a Rotel or Parasound system that an above mentioned integrated would outclass as a whole. Heck, even a bryston B60 would sound better than inexpensive separates. Its 60w go a long way with the right speakers, you could then spend more on your source. Best of luck.
The worst is thinking of $200 used cable to connect between amps. Think of $20 RadioShack or MCA (you can only get them from and spend the rest on good separates. I would highly doubt that Bryston B60 would sound better than McCormack separates(DNA1 with Micro Line Drive) with cheap wire in-between.
I'd also think of high powered integrated such as Plinius or Primare.
Hey, its all just advice based on my years of experience of trial and error. I certainly wouldn't want to come across as a know it all when I offer advice.

I may have offended with sensitive cable difference talk it seems. A blanket amount of $200 doesn't mean much if a model can't back it up so I should have been specific. A $200 used Red Dawn or Maple Audio Works Ambiance will clear up any thoughts on a cheap signal passer including the Rad Shack if the other equipment is worthy of the exposure. I easily hear a difference for the better with Linn Aktiv gear which is very revealing to begin with, the Red Dawn reveals more, period, or I would have saved my money. I also have Rad Shack and Linn cables for less demanding applications. I agree they are decent for cheap.

If a person likes a cheap cable just as much then its good, save the money. The music is what matters. I know what I hear and thats not for debate. Each person needs to decide, we don't have to be rude.

I didn't think McCormack was in the same league as Rotel and Parasound, plus I have never heard them so I left them out of my few inexpensive examples. There are many others that could be better than this or that for arguments sake but I was just offering advice on gear I have actually heard. I'd venture to guess the Bryston could be as or more enjoyable just the same. Again, I am only advising based on experience having owned many combinations including the Primare A30.1, Plinius 8150i, Bryston B60, Parasound HCA1200II, Rotel RB1080. 980, RC995, Belles 150A, various preamps. Now to my Linn Aktiv gear, which for musicality, I have not heard better but I am sure it exists.

Great feedback - kinda!