Naim -- Fatiguing?

Lots of research suggests that Naim equipment is forward with lots of PRaT, but the Series 5 components are a bit more refined. Does this sound get fatiguing after a while? Does it treat classical, space music, and simple acoustic music with the respect it gives rock and electronica? Thanks.
Sean, My only experience is with my gear. The Hicap is the only piece that uses a 5 pin DIN. I certainly don't claim to be an expert with much in audio but I clearly remember auditioning a 42/Snaps/110 for a week and then the 42.5/Hicap/110 for a week. My ears told me to purchase the system I own. For what it's worth, I personally don't like the interconnects on the Naim pieces because it, 1) either forces you to buy other Naim gear, or 2) by integrating other manufacturers pieces one ends up buying interconnects that you forever question. I'm going to add one last comment which may NOT be worth noting because it's based on logic and not listening. British hifi in general is claimed by many to be overly bright and fatiguing. I believe that since my purchases predated the popularity of the digital source more care was taken in selecting the tt, arm and cartridge back then. The source is the key to enjoyment. This is not to say that folks don't pay particular attention to selecting source components today. They do...more than ever! The problems I found associated with listener fatigue was the CDP. Digital has come a long way and is quite nice now...not on a par with vinyl yet...but quite nice.

I recently ugraded all my electronics with non-Naim gear. If you recall my comment about living in the boondocks you will appreciate how difficult this decision was. I'm happy with the convience the new gear provides and it sounds very good. I am considering selling everything but my turntable and trying to court a friendship with some of the forum members, allowing their wisdom to do the selection for me. Albert Porter and yourself come to mind.

At this point I can't bring myself to part with my Naim gear even though it is safely packed away and very unused. It wouldn't bring much money on the used market. Before packing it away I hooked it up to our $179 Sony dvd player with Radio Shack interconnects, drug my Heresy's out of the garage and watched a few movies with my wife to see if we were interested in HT. Since we were comfortable in the living room after the flicks I popped an audio cd in the Sony and cranked it up. What a joy! Fatigue? Nope. And this is listening to horn loaded speakers that aren't noted for being overly musical. Laugh if you will but I can't put this stuff in the garage even though I spend a LOT of time there working on my hot rods. I wouldn't get much work done if I did. Besides, I would look pretty foolish dancing around the cars and singing off-key all the time. Life can be good, even in the boondocks. Patrick
Buying a used 72/HiCap/140 & a matching pr. of new Credos was the best audio decision I ever made. Very affordable & completely trouble free I've enjoyed the Naim sound since the mid 90's. Only recently have I 'upgraded' w/a pr. of Neat Vito speakers purchased here on AG. I'll be looking to upgrade my Rega 3 & Toshiba SD9200 digital sources soon. The Neats laid back, extended, & articulate presentation really match well w/Naim electronics. That said, I am having trouble 'letting go' of the Credos, they are honest, grooving, rythym machines; uncolored & dynamic I like em a lot.

Naim North America, NANA, located in Chicago has a reputation as some of the best mfg. support service in the world. The Naim website forums are very informative, active, & helpfull; more so than others, & where else can you get such a sense of the 'British' sense of humor? ;-)

Drubin, i was talking about the design of the DIN connectors, not Naim itself.

Lugnut, thanks for the kind words and clarification. My bedroom system consists of all Quad gear, hence my "love / hate" relationship with DIN connectors. The fact that these connectors are also used in the communications industry only moves them more into the "hate" side of things. Sean
If you find any of the amps you listen to lacking in something that's important to you, then it is not the right choice and you should continue to look. It was a long time before I purchased my amps because I kept finding fault with all of them in some way or another. It was rather discouraging, but I am so glad I waited and continued to look. You will know the amp you want to buy when you hear it, it will be just what you're looking for. (Kind of sounds like finding the perfect mate-when you do the wait was worth it) Keep auditioning.
I owned the Nait 5 int.amp for a while(1-2yrs.) I had the NAC A5 wire w/chord interconnects.(DIN to RCA) I was using Spendor
S 3/5's speakers. Personally, there was just "something"
missing for me with this int. amp. It's very well built and
sounds stronger than its rated power. I didn't like the fact
it used DIN connectors and didn't have headphone jack. Short term listening was fine, however, for me,longer sessions proved tiring. Naim is very, very nice equipment
and should be heard to see if it suits your tastes.