Rogue m-120 monoblocs any opinions ?

I'm looking to buy these monoblocs i'm interested in any advise out there ,i have a Sonic Frontiers power 1 presently, are these monoblocs as good as they are cracked up to be ?
Gotta jump on this with both feet!

Tireguy is in the minority on this, I own a 99 Mag and Mark O'Brien is the man! He's been very kind, honest, courteous, he even told me not to buy one of his products because it wouldn't power my speakers (88 amp).

One E-mail that was not received by rogue ='s bad customer service. You cheated yourself bub, BAT is excellent but the Rogue 99 magnum is on a level with the VK-5i, not the the VK-3i. If you look at all the reviews you'll find that many have compared this pre to the CAT's and even Air Tights without hearing the thousands of dollars in difference. And this particular comparison was done using stock tubes.

Tireguy, Rogue has treated me so well I feel like I'm defending a friend more than protecting a company. When people get confused it's important to help them and you need some help.
For what it's worth... I sent an e mail to Rogue and it was answered by M. O Brien himself in less than 1 hour.
Avivey- We have been through this too many times on this thread for me to repeat myself, go back and read all of my posts. More then one attempt was made to contact Rogue, I am too busy during the day to make personal phone calls, so email tends to be my best chance(most times). And VK-5i, VK-3i I don’t own either nor would I ever so scratch up a different tree, I feel I was treated poorly(that’s my opinion), and you felt you where treated good(your opinion) I’m not questioning your integrity why are questioning mine? Nor am I attempting to belittle your gear so don’t try to belittle mine(I have a funny feeling I will win), I am glad you enjoy your Rogue products(as said MANY times before) but I am simply pointing out it is not for everyone. Good day.