Do you ever just listen to music

Do you ever just listen to music without critiquing your system? On Thanksgiving I listened to music for 12 straight hours without one critique. It was the most fun I have had with my system in years. I put on some of the worst recordings I have a long with the best recording and they were all enjoyable to listen to. All in all it was a fun day.
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If you are thinking about the system you aren't "there" yet. Once you get "there" you think about your system when you aren't listening.
Are you all being honest right now? When I'm in my van conducting business and the radio's on, I can't help but take note when a SACD recording comes on. It's obvious. It doesn't mean I don't go on to enjoy it. I don't know where "there" is but I guarantee I'm here noticing the fabulous performance of my gear while loving what I hear.
interestingly, i enjoy both the music and my system at the same time. i enjoy the music and enjoy that the system reproduces it well. i enjoy the way an artist plays a certain passage...but also that the system is revealing enough that i can enjoy those subtlies. so both at the same time in the best possible way!