AC Outlets

Where do I search for ac outlets?

Thank you for the recognition, it is greatly appreciated.

As far as the AC plugs - I think that if the AC outlet test is to be meaningful then the "correct" AC plug has to be used as well, the outlet is only half of the connection point, the plug being the other half, which is why I have selected the exact same level of plug on the off the shelf outlets. On the Audio Grade outlets I have asked the suppliers of them what AC plug they recommend for best performance of their outlet, and I have got an answer form all but the supplier of the Teslaplex - but a friend of mine have some power cords form Synergistic from which I will "borrow" a plug.

Good Listening

A good variety of plugs can be obtained from vh Audio. I would also ask Chris for advice. He is very familiar with the materials and the differences. I too am a skeptic, but the things of his I have tried, he has been accurate each time. Now, I listen, and open up the mind a bit.

I got the Furutech FPX-G Outlet and the Furutech FI-11M-G AC Plug along with the Pass Seymour CR6300 Cryo Outlet from VH Audio.

They seem to have a great selection of various tweaks. They shipped the same day I ordered so great service too, highly recommended.

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Another outlet definitely worth considering is the silver plated Acme Audio duplex. This is the outlet preferred by Bob Crump.


Machina Dynamica

An outlet treated with special sauce :-) Don't know about this one. Pricing seem reasonable.

I think we have a pretty good selection of outlets for the test - a real high$ has been suggested, make TBD, Whart has put up $50 for starting a SOAC (Super Outlet Action Committee) - let's see if he gets any donors.

Good Listening
