Isolation Devices: Any Good Ones?

I'm considering some Isolation devices to place under my Esoteric X-05 CD player. I have actualy tried Stillpoins Ultra SS ($675 for 3) and they did make a difference. I'm interested to hear from those of you who have tried others like Wave Kinetics ($700 for 4), KWO Super Heated Metal Foam Pedestals ($415 for 3), Nordost Sort Kones ($260 for 4) or any others that markedly helped vibration control. Thanks!
I have tried many, all of whom helped but whose sound differed considerably. Synergistic Research MIGs are good at a RELATIVELY low price. FIM roller bearings [ I am a sometimes FIM dealer] work well also. Star Sound brass cones and Melange cryo treated metal foam pucks both work but give very different results; the SS seems to tighten the sound while the Melange dampens it. Which is better depends on the rest of your gear. Some prototype ones from Skylan are very promising but no details yet. All ears and most gear are different so there can be no "best" one for all situations.
Most all equipment is sensitive to what it is setting on. There are some exceptions like Audio Research CD players because they have built in isolation beginning with the CD3 MKII. The cones are sometimes too powerful and can alter the tonal balance a little too much. I have heard that if you collect some rocks from Wyoming or Montana and sit on them you will hear a noticable difference in sound. I think you should try it and let us know what you think.
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