Listening Chair?

I'm doing a complete overhaul to my current two-channel music room, and just wanted to know what brand and type of comfortable listening chair you use, is it cloth, leather and comfortable? I'm trying to find something that is modern looking, that is comfortable and does not have a rear seat height more then 38" high. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
My years old Scan recliner is my favorite. IT looks something like This

I just got an inversion table. Can't wait to see how things sound hanging upside down... :^)
Well, one of the OPs main questions was: what is the better material to use in a chair?

Leather? or does it echo too much? especially around your ears
Fabric? (wool, cotton): less slap echo? better diffusion?

I'm also in the market for a listening chair. I love the Milo Baughman reproduction recliner I have (in black pleather), but I'm afraid the height of the chair (above ear level) provides some slap echo.
thx, gary