Best steak to eat while listening to your rig?

One of life's little pleasures for me is grilling a nice steak, grabbing a satisfying Argentine Malbec or California Cabernet, and parking myself in front of my hi-fi for some musical enjoyment. It really doesn't get much better than this (unless it's raining or snowing outside -- that's icing on the cake).

So, what are your favorite home-cooked steaks and how do you prefer to prepare them? For me, I find that a ribeye or porterhouse from my local Wegman's is fantastic. I season it with Montreal steak seasoning and grill it for about 8 minutes per side (4 minutes in the 10 o'clock position and 4 minutes in the 2 o'clock position). I've played with grilling for less time and finishing in the oven, but don't feel it adds much.
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A friend of mine relayed his story... first job out of high school was at the local meat packers/slaughter house. He worked for half the day, quit without asking for his pay and never ate meat again to this day. I would just as soon take a bite out of my dog. That is my choice, YMMV
Rare Ribeye with the largest "skirt piece" (don't know the butcher-shop correct name for it) to eye ratio. That skirt piece (the part surrounding the eye) is awesome! And get it at your local natural foods supermarket. Here we have local beef raised free-range and fed range grasses and grain, no corn. It's excellent grilled over mesquite or using mesquite chips with a gas grill.

Sounds like a great meal!


What you say is true by virtue of the location of the cuts of beef in the animal.

The NY while more flavorful is a bit tougher. It gets more work. So the Ribeye while more tender is a little less flavorful, getting less work.


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A Priest and a Rabbi were talking.... Priest: so Rabbi, you are not supposed to eat pork.. have you ever? Rabbi, well... I was very hungry once and I could not resist the temptation... so I did partake one time. Rabbi: So Father, in your religion you are to remain celibate, so have you ever...Father: Well, I was weak one time when i was younger and could not resist. Rabbi: A whole lot better than pork, huh?