Number of yrs. to reach the finished line?

Ten long years and way to much $$$ lost running sometimes backwards and sideways.

No more for me. I am very happy with the end result and can live a very long time with what I have built.

The Lampizator / Tenor was what brought me to the end and took the longing out of me for better sound.

What say you?
The trick is not to go backwards or sideways , you must move ahead to get the rewards this hobby has to offer .
The Weiss Minerva was SS sounding and had a narrow sound stage.
The Lamp is in another league. Sounds like my ex TT or better.

Demo for 7 days and hear the sound of a truly great sounding dac.
My quest will never stop for as long as I can hear at least a single note. That doesn't mean that I am going to spend a fortune though; just $500 on every piece on average including a set of isolation cones, no more.
I think that there is a finish line, but it's made by each individual. I think that point is when an individual says "I am fine right here".

It may be because they are really content with the sound from their system, which has the best chance of lasting. A lot of times someone may vow to stop because of the money spent, but that doesn't always last.

What Roger and Peter have shown me is that there is a point where you can be content if you know what you like and how to achieve it.

But in order to reach that point, you have be willing to accept the help and guidance of people in the industry who really know what they're doing and talking about, and will help without allowing monetary gains to be the driving force.
