Total spent on music vs equipment?

I estimate I have about $8K in audio equipment and just over $20K in LP's/CD's/downloaded files.

How about you all?
$4,000 in gear currently in use and purchased secondhand.

4000 cd's, not all new so price ranges from $1-$14 approx,
so maybe $13000+?

A few thousand albums in storage with no intention to see the light of day for the forseeable future.
Vive le cd!
Gawdbless, Are you interested in selling any of your albums? If so kindly contact me here are A'Gon.

Depending on where you live (climate concern) and where they are stored (related to the previous), I will make you a very nice offer to buy them site unseen, pick them up and ship them back to myself.

Let me know if you are interested.