Do you spend more on audio than your income allows

I make a very modest living especially for living in Southern California where everything is so expensive. I should not be buying or looking at audio components but I do anyways. Luckily my wife works and we don't have any kids. If I had kids I'd probably have a Bose wave radio because that is all I could afford. BTW- I live in a small house and drive a 25 year old Honda.
As Timrhu says, I am sure your attitude to money is ingrained in childhood. My family was'nt dirt poor, but we never had excess money to spend. Now I am a Doctor and I owe that to my parents struggles with money. Now I am an English, not a US Doctor, so I am not super rich. Still I am pretty well off, but I can not escape my upbringing. I agonize over spending quite moderate amounts on 2nd hand gear, I can in all honesty afford. Spending on the family is fine, not me. It jusy goes with being a white northern European Protestant, no self indulgence allowed.
I think there is a real difference in the US too, not a criticism at all, but yours seems a more consumerist society. I work hard, so I deserve a few toys and why not.
I'm sure this economy is making us all tighten our belts and look a little longer and harder at buying toys.
I only buy when I can pay for the new gear, no credit. I drive a 1993 truck, no payents. I would rather have the money you would tie up into a new car,etc into the gear.

I usually sell a peice off before replacing it with the new gear and that really helps as well. I actually just sold a pre here last week and have the new one coming this week. I can't wait. I have been at this a long time also, since I was 12 and I will be 50 this summer.It is quite an additive hobby, isn't it? Cheers