Do you spend more on audio than your income allows

I make a very modest living especially for living in Southern California where everything is so expensive. I should not be buying or looking at audio components but I do anyways. Luckily my wife works and we don't have any kids. If I had kids I'd probably have a Bose wave radio because that is all I could afford. BTW- I live in a small house and drive a 25 year old Honda.
Funny, my wife is the ONLY thing that would make guilt set in! :-) But she is such a spend thrift I don't ever have to worry about her editoralizing about my relatively frugal audiophile impulse buying. But, in the long run it all evens out and we stay happy.

BTW, Tubers, cash rules. If you keep it on a cash basis it really is hard to overspend.
I actually do drive an old Toyota - 1993 Camry with 183,000 miles (still…knock on wood...going...knock on wood....strong. Knock on wood!). I do however own (name only) and make payments on, a 2009 Dodge Grand Caravan - which is my "wife's car." While I do feel guilty about this "audio addiction" - and I rightfully should at times, it's when I pull up next to some really hot babe in "my" car that I feel a little less of that audio-related guilt. There just ain’t no impressing the ladies in a 1993 Toyota - you know what I mean!
3 years ago I went window shopping at Sounds by Singer in Manahttan and I said to myself: "I can afford to buy all these toys that will decrease in value or I can save up for a new place, but, you can't do both". I moved last week. Newbee is right, cash rules.