Montreal Show?

Any A'Gonners at the Salon Son et Image this weekend? Love to hear your impressions.
lukewarm in my opinion - not as many exhibits as in previous years - no doubt a symptom of the crappy economy. I am also tired of seeing the same 'new' vinyl year after year - very little in the way of new releases. saw some new speakers from a Dutch company ('Arabesque', I think) made out of glass - I asked the dealer what they were retailing at - (I shook my head in disbelief when he said $80 Cdn. large, only about $60,000 USD) jm2centsw.
look depress to me like the weather
22 exhibitors less then last year, big players did not show.....
I think the number of responses here reflects the importance/interest of the show itself.

While the show has been well attended and written about in the past I don't think this year is any less important. I haven't been in 5 years (no longer live anywhere close) but I have read on other boards that there are a number of missing exhibitors which could very well be due to the economy and that the new venue being used doesn't appear to be as appealing to attendees.

Also its entirely possible that the low number of responses are due to the fact that attendees are enjoying the show getting in as much as they can as opposed to spending time here commenting on it.

I think as the week progresses one will find reports surfacing on other boards or from attendess and reviewers from on line audio "e-zines". Stereophile has an ongoing blog if someone is interested.